For someone who used to say they hated change, my life in the last 5 years has been a constant cycle of change. Some of the change has been through choice, some have been unexpected joys, some have really knocked me down; all have taught me something.
I left my marriage, moved into the best share house ever, met Bethany, fell in love, lost my dearest friend to ovarian cancer, changed career path, moved house for the 2nd time, moved house for the 3rd, resigned from my corporate role, got fired from said corporate role a day into gardening leave, began building my business… and now we are about to move again.
When I got the text a few Fridays ago that our landlord needed to move back into her home, I was really taken aback. Not again I thought. How will we manage this one, we are already in the midst of a big life change? Can I handle another move? I have just quit my job, can we afford to move?
As it happens, the worlds aligned and on the same weekend, a family home was offered to us in Edinburgh. An Edinburgh move was always on the cards, we had just planned it for Spring 2024. It didn’t take long for Bethany and me to realise this was meant to be, to trust in the universe, to thank the universe, and realise our dream of moving up north. We are excited, a little bewildered, sad to be saying goodbye to family and friends down south, but joyfully anticipating this new phase of our life.
Throughout all the bumps, the changes, the blows (good & bad) the one constant in my life that has kept me grounded has been my menstrual cycle and practicing cyclical awareness. I exist within and participate in constant cycles (as do you); natures season’s, the moon cycle, the life cycle, my menstrual cycle, and my cycle is part of me, every day. My bleed comes, my bleed goes, and I embark on a new cycle, with some predictability and always with some unknowns. But it comes around every month, every cycle. Just as nature's seasons are constant and familiar yet with unpredictability, so is my menstrual cycle and I have the different phases of my cycle to guide me each day and each month. Things begin, things change, things end, and something new begins, and each day, I check in with myself & where I am in my cycle. When all of a sudden everything feels uncertain, she is there, I am there and we move through.
On the surface, practicing cycle awareness is the daily practice of paying attention and checking in with yourself and, if you have a menstrual cycle, tracking your cycle. But it is also so much more than this and the richness you receive from it & its lessons on life run so deep. I am so grateful for cycle awareness & my menstrual cycle.
Are you tracking your cycle?
How do you meet times of change in your life?
Lizzy x
📸 - Our second trip to Edinburgh in 2018 when we knew it would one day be our home.
