Your Inner Connection Coach

Here are a few words from some of the wonderful ladies I've coached.
Nivika - Coaching
"Lizzy has an amazing inviting energy about her and manages to draw out your inner thoughts and feelings that you may have not understood yourself. She has helped me to understand myself, love
and accept myself and I am the happiest I have ever been. I would recommend Lizzy to anyone looking to progress in life, or in the workplace. I cannot thank Lizzy enough for the difference she has
made to my life."
Lizzie - Coaching
"Lizzy's coaching found me at a time where I felt nothing could help. When I started coaching, I was coming out of a year long period of burnout, and prior to that had spent years living out of alignment with who I truly was. I had tried various forms of therapy, none of which had helped. Fast forward to now, almost a year later, I could cry thinking about how much things have improved. There are the things I was expected to get out of the coaching, like understanding my cycle better and getting a better idea of what I want for my future, which I got in droves. But there were other things that took me by surprise; getting back in touch with the cycles of my body has led to a process of rediscovery. I've started advocating for myself for the first time in my life, and my mindset surrounding health and wellbeing has changed from an external perspective (i.e what do others think?) to an internal perspective (i.e what feels good for me?). In this modern world we've become so out of tune with our bodies, and as women there is so much power in rediscovering ourselves and the connection between our minds, bodies and nature. I'm actually excited for my future for the first time since I was a teenager. I can't recommend Lizzy's coaching enough!"

Zanaba - Coaching
"I can't recommend Lizzy's services highly enough. She has an impressive theoretical grounding in embodiment work and menstrual cycle awareness which makes her coaching special. I feel as if our sessions were tailor-made for me. You'll feel at ease with Lizzy straight away. I've learned so much from my sessions with her, and really feel a difference in my everyday life."